In due time

In Due Time

You have to be thankful before you receive
As our ancient ancestors of the Nile valley did
Before the Hapi (Nile) flooded each year
They had a celebration

You have to see that in life, everything comes
In due time

In this moment, there is opportunity
There is more than what we can see
The best is closer than it appears to be

In this winter Spring decides to procrastinate on making her appearance
Because she’s been dropping jewels EVERY DAY just hoping that we find value in one..
in each
But she continues on..just waiting

We have become used to the cold
Have adapted to this climate
Bought things to accommodate it

Gray and Blue

Adapting to and eventually becoming our environments
Unconscious Workings becoming Habits
Becoming rigid as the shards of ice developing on buildings
Trudging in and out of spaces to get to places we “need” to be in
Completely missing that everything is not fading
Forgetting that some things die for others to live
But nothing truly dies
Just transitions back to form again

Everything will happen when it’s due
Children do not come before their time
Before they’re ready to
Women become mothers when their children are due
You cannot rush the art of creation or the creation of art
of Life
It is a process
The leaves are brittle
Branches may break in the wind
It will be below zero
But this green speaks to me
It says nothing is by accident
Nothing is random or incomplete
There is a need and in turn a space to be filled
Two cannot occupy the same space at the same time
There are two in one polarity
Complimenting each other
This is why when one shifts, another moves
To keep the order

The Green speaks of what it has seen
And this came in due time
It is a time of death and stillness- on the surface
But the wind still blows…
Things still go on and maintain
They are growing
And green
And beautiful

In the ice and freezing rain
There is so much surrounding it

In life you will be put into situations to show you how strong you can be
To show that through trying times you can make it
You will not be given more than you can handle
Even when you think you can’t
You just have to know that you can
You will get through and overcome
In due time- When you decide to
When the time is due

I listened and began to know that
When it’s right
We will be victorious in positions only known for failure
We will be the ones that will have the strength and courage to share oustrie and support with others also going through
With others in need
And we will help reinforce them when their legs are shaking
Their feet are planted
With their legs shaking
Thinking they can lift them
You just have to know

Yes they can
Because we have
Because we can
Because we are here for a reason

We have become
In due time

Due time is a time of full fruition like the full moon is of full eression
A time of culmination of the harvest fruits
It’s a celebratory time
It’s a time of reflection where you see just what you have been manifesting/ womanifesting
What you have been nurturing blooms all the way
Lifes events happen back to back to back to back
Following from times where they appeared to be in a standstill
In the stillness learn and prepare
Listen and appreciate
What is happening beneath is what surfaces later on
Sun Tzu said “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight”

We must accept the natural order
Not FIGHT it
We must accept this climate but not BECOME it
Let it BUILD us
Know that what is within us will show up outside soon
We cannot throw out everything because one piece is struggling
We must nurture it
And we will soon witness it bloom!
In due time
When the time is due

Copyright© 2014 Narelle Thomas
All rights reserved.
